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Em Tradução:Os Poemas de Joseph Mary Plunkett

Wikisource, a biblioteca livre
Os Poemas de Joseph Mary Plunkett

The Talbot Press

Selos do trovão
O esplendor de Deus
O Templo Vivo
Na região selvagem
Arbor Vitae
La Pucelle
Heaven in Hell
Your Songs
The Vigil of Love
The Lions
The Worm Joseph
The White Feather
Your Fear
The Mask
No Song
The Cloud
Moriturus Te Salutat
The Dark Way
The Living Wire
Die Taube
The Spark

Earlier and Later Poems

The New Judas
I see His Blood upon the Rose
The Stars sang in God’s Garden
I saw the Sun at Midnight
It is her Voice who dwells within the Emerald Wall and Sapphire House of Flame
A Wave of the Sea
White Waves on the Water
This Heritage to the Race of Kings
The Little Black Rose shall be Red at Last
Nomina Sunt Consequentia Rerum
My Lady has the Grace of Death
O Lovely Heart
I love you with my every Breath
O Bright! thy Stateliness and Grace
White Dove of the Wild Dark Eyes
My Soul is Sick with Longing
When all the Stars become a Memory
Your Pride
If I should need to tear aside
When I am Dead
The Claim that has the Canker on the Rose
Your Fault
There is no Deed I would not dare
New Love
Before the Glory of your Love
To Grace—On the morning of her christening, April 7th, 1916
See the Crocus’ Golden Cup
Signs and Wonders

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