Módulo:Wikidata label
Este módulo depende dos seguintes outros módulos: |
[editar]The module provides functions to fetch from wikidata labels, aliases or sitelinks for specific item in specific language. Each function can be called both from Lua and from Wikitext templates. Used by {{Label}} template.
[editar]This function returns a label translated to desired language and linking to desired project, created based on wikidata
- Call from template
{{#invoke:Wikidata label|getLabel |item=<''item ID''> |lang=<''language''> |link=<''link type''> |capitalization=,''capitalization style''> }}
- Calls from Lua
require('Module:Wikidata label')._getLabel( item, [lang] , [link_type] , [capitalization] )
- Inputs
Name | Function | Default |
item | Wikidata item ID number in form "Q" + item number. Also works with Wikidata properties if you use "P"+number. |
(required field) |
lang | Language code (only needs to be provided if the language displayed is to be fixed and independent of the user’s preferences). | {{int:lang}}
link | link type: wikipedia will try to link to Wikipedia (does not work for properties) wikidata to Wikidata commons to Commons (does not work for properties) - means no link. The code will try first the link of your choice then if not possible it will fallback and try linking to Wikipedia, and if that is not possible than to Wikidata. |
wikipedia |
capitalization | en = can be: uc: upper case lc: lower case ucfirst: upper case for the first letter lcfirst: lower case for the first letter none: to leave it as is |
none |
[editar]This function returns a list of sitelinks for a single project organized by language
- Call from template
{{#invoke:Wikidata label|sitelinks |item=<''item ID''> |project=<''project''> }}
- Calls from Lua
require('Module:Wikidata label')._sitelinks( item, project )
- Inputs
Name | Function |
item | Wikidata item ID number in form "Q" + item number or entity class |
project | "wikipedia" (or "wiki"), "wikisource", "wikiquote", "wikibooks", "wikinews", "wikiversity", "wikivoyage", "wiktionary", etc. |
- Output
- for sitelinks a comma separated list
- for _sitelinks a lua table
[editar]This function returns a list of aliases for a single language
- Call from template
{{#invoke:Wikidata label|aliases |item=<''item ID''> |lang=<''language''> }}
- Calls from Lua
require('Module:Wikidata label')._aliases( item, lang )
- Inputs
Name | Function |
item | Wikidata item ID number in form "Q" + item number or entity class |
lang | Language code |
- Output
- for aliases a comma separated list
- for _aliases a lua table
A documentação acima é transcluída de Módulo:Wikidata label/doc. (editar | histórico) Editores podem experimentar nas páginas de teste (criar | espelhar) e de exemplos para testes (criar) deste módulo. Subpáginas deste módulo. |
__ __ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| \/ | ___ __| |_ _| | ___ \ \ / (_) | _(_) __| | __ _| |_ __ _ | | __ _| |__ ___| |
| |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ (_) \ /\ / /| | |/ / |/ _` |/ _` | __/ _` | | |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
| | | | (_) | (_| | |_| | | __/_ \ V V / | | <| | (_| | (_| | || (_| | | | (_| | |_) | __/ |
|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___(_) \_/\_/ |_|_|\_\_|\__,_|\__,_|\__\__,_| |_|\__,_|_.__/ \___|_|
This module is intended to be the engine behind "Template:Label".
This module was copied from Commons please ask for changes there.
Please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at "Module:Wikidata label/sandbox" and testing
at "Module:Wikidata label/testcases".
Authors and maintainers:
* User:Jarekt - original version
require('strict') -- used for debugging purposes as it detects cases of unintended global variables
--=== Internal functions ======================
-- Normalize input arguments by converting them all to lower case and
-- replacing space with "_" in the argument name. Also empty strings are
-- converted to nils. Arguments are collected from arguments passed to the
-- module and if missing from the template that calls the module
local function getArgs(frame)
local function normalize_input_args(input_args, output_args)
for name, value in pairs( input_args ) do
value = mw.text.trim(value) -- trim whitespaces from the beggining and the end of the string
if value ~= '' then -- nuke empty strings
if type(name)=='string' then
name = string.gsub( string.lower(name), ' ', '_')
output_args[name] = value
return output_args
local args = {}
args = normalize_input_args(frame:getParent().args, args)
args = normalize_input_args(frame.args, args)
return args
-- Function allowing for consistent treatment of boolean-like wikitext input.
-- It works similarly to Module:Yesno but does not assume val is a string
local function yesno(val, default)
if type(val) == 'boolean' then
return val
elseif type(val) == 'number' then
if val == 1 then
return true
elseif val == 0 then
return false
elseif type(val) == 'string' then
val = mw.ustring.lower(val) -- put in lower case
if val == 'no' or val == 'n' or val == 'false' or val == '0' then
return false
elseif val == 'yes' or val == 'y' or val == 'true' or val == '1' then
return true
return default
-- get message in a given language
-- * msg - name of a message. For it to work [[MediaWiki:msg]] page need to be set up
-- * lang - translate message to language "lang"
-- * default - string to return in case this module is moved to a project where this message is not set
-- * translated message
local function getMessage(msg, lang, default)
msg = mw.message.new(msg):inLanguage(lang):plain()
return (msg == nil and default) or msg
-- use different sitelink call depending if you already have an entity or not
-- * item and entity - entity id and entity: if full entity already uploded than use that
-- otherwise use entity id to look up sitelink
-- * lang - language of the project
-- * sitelink
local function getSitelink(item, entity, lang)
if entity and entity.getSitelink then -- if we have entity then use it
return entity:getSitelink(lang .. 'wiki')
else -- if no entity then use different function
return mw.wikibase.getSitelink(item, lang .. 'wiki')
-- use different sitelink call depending if you already have an entity or not
-- * item and entity - entity id and entity: if full entity already uploded than use that
-- otherwise use entity id to look up sitelink
-- * prop - property for which to return the best statment
-- * value of the best statment (only from the first one)
local function getBestStatementsValue(item, entity, prop)
local statments
if entity then
statments = entity:getBestStatements(prop)
statments = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(item, prop)
for _, statment in ipairs(statments) do
if statment and statment.mainsnak.datavalue.value then
return statment.mainsnak.datavalue.value
-- change capitalization of the label
-- * label - label string
-- * capitalization - capitalization to be applied: allowed values are "tc", "lc",
-- "uc", "lcfirst", and "ucfirst". Any other value will return original string
-- * lang - language of the label
-- * value of the best statment (only from the first one)
local function apply_capitalization(label, capitalization, lang)
capitalization = string.lower(capitalization or 'none')
if capitalization == 'none' then
return label
elseif capitalization == 'uc' then
return mw.language.new(lang):uc(label)
elseif capitalization == 'lc' then
return mw.language.new(lang):lc(label)
elseif capitalization == 'tc' then -- title case
local new_label = {}
for _, word in ipairs(mw.text.split(label, ' ')) do
table.insert(new_label, mw.language.new(lang):ucfirst(word))
return table.concat(new_label, ' ')
elseif capitalization == 'ucfirst' then
return mw.language.new(lang):ucfirst(label)
elseif capitalization == 'lcfirst' then
return mw.language.new(lang):lcfirst(label)
return label
get link based on user preference
* link_type - can be :
* "wikidata" - link to wikidata
* "wikipedia" - link to wikipedia (language dependent)
* "wikidata talk" - link to wikidata talk page
* "commons" - link to commons (try sitelink then commons category then commons gallery)
* "commonscat" - link to commons (try commons category then commons gallery)
* "-" - means no link
* item - entity ID (always provided)
* entity - whole entity. It can be nil if whole entity is not loaded
* langList - language fallback list for preferred language (required)
* link - link to the wikimedia page
local function getLink(link_type, item, entity, langList)
local link, eLink
link_type = mw.ustring.lower(link_type or '')
local item_type = mw.ustring.sub(item, 1, 1) -- first letter prefix of item entity ID: 'Q', 'P' or 'M'
if item_type == 'M' then
elseif item_type == 'Q' then
eLink='d:'..item -- wikibase entity page link
elseif item_type == 'P' then
eLink='d:Property:'..item -- wikibase entity page link
if link_type == '-' then -- allow different link formats
link = '' -- no link
elseif link_type == 'wikidata' or item_type == 'M' then
link = eLink -- link to wikibase entity page
elseif link_type == 'wikidata talk' and item_type == 'P' then
link = 'd:Property talk:'.. item -- link to wikidata property talk page
elseif link_type == 'wikidata talk' then
link = 'd:Talk:'..item -- link to wikidata talk page
elseif link_type == 'commons' or link_type == 'commonscat' then
When link_type == 'commons' we try the following links (in specified order):
1) commons sitelink
2) P373 "Commons Category" claims
3) P935 "Commons Gallery" claims
Since most items have a commons sitelink we never have to look for claims
When link_type == 'commonscat' we try to maximize chances of commons link being a category, so we
try the following links (in specified order):
1) commons sitelink, which is kept if it points to a category
2) P373 "Commons Category" claims
3) commons sitelink (which does not point to a category)
4) P935 "Commons Gallery" claims
Since most pages have a commons sitelink we never have to look for claims
local sLink = getSitelink(item, entity, 'commons') -- look for sitelink to commons
if sLink then
sLink = 'c:'..sLink
if (link_type == 'commons') or (link_type == 'commonscat' and mw.ustring.find(sLink, 'Category:')) then
link = sLink
if not link then -- try linking to P373 "Commons Category"
local cat = getBestStatementsValue(item, entity, 'P373')
link = (cat ~= nil and 'c:Category:' .. cat) or nil
link = link or sLink
if not link then -- try linking to P935 "Commons Gallery"
link = getBestStatementsValue(item, entity, 'P935')
if not link then -- apply default "Wikipedia" link type
for _, language in ipairs(langList) do
local sitelink = getSitelink(item, entity, language)
if sitelink then
link = 'w:'.. language ..':'.. sitelink
return link or eLink -- no wiki sitelink, so link to wikidata
--=== External functions ======================
local p = {}
--=== API functions for use from other Scribunto modules ===============
This function returns a label translated to desired language, created based on wikidata
1: item - wikidata's item's q-id or entity class
2: lang - desired language of the label
3: link_type - link style. Possible values (case-insensitive): "wikipedia", "wikidata", "Commons", or "-" (no link)
4: capitalization - can be "uc" (upper case), "lc" (lower case), "ucfirst" (upper case for the first letter),
"lcfirst" (lower case for the first letter), or 'none' (default)
Error Handling:
Bad q-id will result in displayed error
function p._getLabel(item, lang, link_type, capitalization, show_id)
local entity, s, link, label, language, desc
-- clean up the input parameters
if type(item) ~= 'string' then -- "item" is not a q-id
entity = item -- "item" must be the entity
item = entity.id -- look-up q-id
elseif tonumber(item) then -- if it is just the number then add "Q" in front
item = 'Q'..item
item = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.upper(item), 'PROPERTY:P', 'P') -- make all the properties the same and capitalize
if not lang then
label, lang = mw.wikibase.getLabelWithLang(item)
if not lang then -- if still no language
lang = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction("int","lang") -- get user's chosen language
label = nil
-- build language fallback list
lang = mw.ustring.lower(lang)
local langList = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(lang)
table.insert(langList, 1, lang)
-- get label (visible part of the link)
if not label then
for _, language in ipairs(langList) do -- loop over language fallback list looking for label in the specific language
if entity then
label = entity:getLabel(language)
label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(item, language)
if label then break end -- label found and we are done
if label then -- wikitext-escape the label if we have one
label = mw.text.nowiki(label)
if not label then -- no labels found, so just show the q-id
label = item
elseif show_id then -- add id
show_id = yesno(show_id,false)
if show_id then
local wordsep = getMessage('Word-separator', lang, ' ')
local id = mw.message.new('parentheses', item):inLanguage(lang):plain()
id = (id~=nil and id) or ('('..item..')') -- in case this module is moved to a project where {{int:parenthesis}} is not set
label = label .. wordsep .. "<small>" .. id .. "</small>"
label = apply_capitalization(label, capitalization, lang)
-- look for description
if entity and entity.descriptions and lang then
for _, language in ipairs(langList) do
if entity.descriptions[language] then
desc = entity.descriptions[language].value
desc = mw.wikibase.getDescription(item)
if desc and link_type ~= '-' then -- wikitext-escape the description if we have one
desc = mw.text.nowiki(desc) -- add description as hover text
label = '<span title="' .. desc .. '">' .. label .. '</span>'
-- return the results
if link_type == '-' then
return label -- return just the label
link = getLink(link_type, item, entity, langList)
return '[[' .. link .. '|' .. label .. ']]' -- return link
This function returns a table of sitelinks for a single project organized by language
1: item - wikidata's item's q-id or entity class
2: project - (case-insensitive) one of: "wikipedia", "wikisource", "wikiquote", "wikibooks", "wikinews",
"wikiversity", "wikivoyage", "wiktionary", "commons", "mediawiki", "wikispecies", "wikidata", etc.
Table of sitelinks with language fields
Table of sitelinks with language fields
See also
* [https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:SiteMatrix] for the full list of supported interwikis.
* [https://dumps.wikimedia.org/backup-index.html] for the full list of sitecodes (used in database dumps).
function p._sitelinks(item, project)
local entity, sitelink
-- get entity
if type(item) == 'string' then -- "item" is a q-id
entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(item)
entity = item -- "item" is the entity
-- convert from english project name to proproject code
local projLUT = {
wikipedia = 'wiki', commons = 'commonswiki',
foundation = 'foundationwiki', mediawiki = 'mediawikiwiki',
wikispecies = 'specieswiki', wikidata = 'wikidatawiki',
incubator = 'incubatorwiki', oldwikisource = 'sourceswiki',
local langLUT = {
-- These are not language codes before the 'wiki' or 'wikiversity' suffix in a sitecode:
foundation = '~', commons = '~', -- they will be skipped
incubator = '~', meta = '~',
mediawiki = '~', sources = '~',
species = '~', beta = '~',
-- Legacy language codes used in sitecodes, remapped to standard Wikimedia language codes:
-- See https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special_language_codes for details
als = 'gsw', bat_smg = 'sgs',
fiu_vro = 'vro', be_x_old = 'be-tarask',
roa_rup = 'rup', zh_classical = 'lzh',
zh_yue = 'yue', zh_min_nan = 'nan',
zh_wuu = 'wuu', no = 'nb',
project = project:lower()
project = projLUT[project] or project -- correct the project name
local n = project:len()
local linkTable = {}
if entity and entity.sitelinks then -- See if entity exists, and that it has sitelinks
for _, sitelink in pairs(entity.sitelinks) do -- loop over all sitelinks
local site = sitelink.site
local m = site:len() - n
local proj = site:sub(m +1) -- project part of the siteID
if proj == project then -- proj matches desired "project"
local lang = site:sub(1, m) -- language part of the siteID
lang = langLUT[lang] or lang:gsub('_','-')
if lang ~= '~' then -- proj matches desired "project"
linkTable[lang] = sitelink.title
return linkTable
This function returns a table of aliases for a single language
1: item - wikidata's item's q-id or entity class
2: lang - language code, like 'en' or 'de'
Table of aliases with language fields
function p._aliases(item, lang)
local entity
if type(item) == 'string' then -- "item" is a q-id
entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(item)
entity = item -- "item" is the entity
local aliasTable = {}
if entity and entity.aliases then -- See if there is an entity and that is has aliases
if entity.aliases[lang] then -- See if it has English Aliases
for _, alias in pairs(entity.aliases[lang]) do -- Make a loop around the English aliases
table.insert(aliasTable, alias.value) -- Create a table of English aliases
return aliasTable
--=== Invoke functions for use from wikitext, e.g., templates ==========
This function returns a label translated to desired language, created based on wikidata
{{#invoke:Wikidata label|getLabel|item=Q...|lang=..|link_style=..|capitalization=..}}
1: wikidata's item's q-id (required)
2: language (optional; default {{int:lang}})
3: link_style: "wikipedia" (default), "Wikidata", "Commons", or "-" (no link)
4: capitalization - can be "uc", "lc", "tc", "ucfirst", "lcfirst"
Error Handling:
Bad q-id will result in displayed error
function p.getLabel(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return p._getLabel(args.item, args.lang, args.link, args.capitalization, args.show_id)
This function returns a comma separated list of sitelinks for a single project organized by language
Its main purpose is to help with testing of _sitelinks function.
{{#invoke:Wikidata label|sitelinks|item=Q...|project=..}}
1: item - wikidata's item's q-id or entity class
2: project - "wikipedia" (or "wiki"), "wikisource", "wikiquote", "wikibooks",
"wikinews", "wikiversity", "wikivoyage", "wiktionary", etc.
comma separated list
function p.sitelinks(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local sitelinks = p._sitelinks(args.item, args.project)
local sitelinkList = {}
for lang, sitelink in pairs(sitelinks) do
table.insert(sitelinkList, (lang=='' and sitelink) or (lang .. ':' .. sitelink))
return table.concat(sitelinkList, ', ')
This function returns a comma separated list of aliases for a single language
Its main purpose is to help with testing of _aliases function.
{{#invoke:Wikidata label|aliases|item=Q...|lang=..}}
1: item - wikidata's item's q-id or entity class
2: lang - language code, like 'en' or 'de'
Comma separated list of aliases
function p.aliases(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return table.concat(p._aliases(args.item, args.lang), ', ')
return p