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- and loving devotion, is lost when cheap factory products may be had with little troubles, and when effective tools may be had almost for the asking. Thus...135 byte (589 palavras) - 14h28min de 7 de setembro de 2023
- and loving devotion, is lost when cheap factory products may be had with little troubles, and when effective tools may be had almost for the asking. Thus...517 byte (5 015 palavras) - 18h09min de 9 de setembro de 2023
- Antes disto, o livro Bélaia Ptítchka [Белая птичка] (em inglês, The Little White Bird), que introduz pela primeira vez Peter Pan, já havia sido vertido...481 byte (9 422 palavras) - 10h35min de 29 de maio de 2023
- Colinas 1888 Cuento Soldiers Three, The Story of the Gadsbys, In Black and White 1888 Cuentos Under the Deodars, The Phantom Rickshaw, Wee Willie Winkie...3 kB (71 palavras) - 20h44min de 19 de março de 2019
- completed up this time have not been located on favorable structure and have little significance. POÇOS NÃO LOCALIZADOS EM ESTRUTURAS FAVORAVEIS E DE PEQUENA...105 byte (9 774 palavras) - 11h40min de 29 de outubro de 2024
- his charming little poem "To the Dandelion": "Not in mid June the golden cuirassed bee Feels a more summer-like, warm ravishment In the white lily's breezy...24 kB (24 palavras) - 12h16min de 17 de janeiro de 2024
- the limits of the mortal eye, and how little could be seen by the eye of the soul! Even the wisest knew little of that which is the most important of...33 kB (20 palavras) - 12h16min de 17 de janeiro de 2024